...we don't bite.

Miranda; Ashley; and Dettie.
The original members of the 'band' we so called nameless. Typically insane and deranged...
bah. more to say here later... --mercenary--
Charmaine Charisse Matt Nyawie Tricia Aaron Hanna Leia Gela Kevin Kay Patricia Abraham
megatokyo nuklearpower penny arcade bob&george newgrounds
Lyrics come in random, mostly written by us three. Steal and Die.
Words and otherwise are the band's, lest otherwise stated.

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-- Saturday, June 28 --

okay everyone. i would ask a bunch of people to join i guess. eric, lawrie, and the like. uhm; as i can see you aren't very up to posting here anyways... [which is somewhat everything i could say for myself as well i guess...] but i'd probably start posting again...
mused dettie at 5:33 PM [+]

-- Monday, February 10 --
okei. this getting more and mroe dead. i noticed. well, anyway... patches chewed on the cable modem wire thing. so... yeah. bleh.
mused dettie at 9:52 AM [+]

-- Friday, January 24 --
woo! im working on this folio.. and it keeps screwing up on me. bah. no worries.
mused dettie at 1:00 PM [+]

-- Wednesday, January 22 --
bah. wall climbing was... ok.
mused dettie at 12:14 AM [+]

-- Friday, January 17 --
hey you guys i'm changing stuff; slowly ok? cause yea im fucked up as shit... but im getting there i think. this place should be fun; not dark and crap. ok? so spare me. if you see something screwed up at the moment... ill fix it later. bear with me. im dealing with shit here. toni just told her mom she's worried about me and now im everyone's business. theyre comparing em to kevin; which is my cousinw ith issues.. and they have my green book. screw life. so anyways; just because im fucked up as shit the blgo should be fucked up too right? so im fixing it.
mused dettie at 9:58 AM [+]

-- Thursday, January 16 --

You are the Dragon. In medieval Europe, dragons were considered mostly evil and a generally bad omin. Christianity linked the dragon with Satan because of the dragon's snake-like apperance. However, to the Orient cultures the dragon was a symbol of widom and roalty. It was a benign animal and the fifth creature of the Chinese zodiac. It resided over the east and the sunsrise. It was also said to bring rain and the springtime. The dragon is interesting because it combines all four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. It could fly, had the horns of a ox, breathed fire, and resided over the moon.

What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!

mused dettie at 12:02 PM [+]
**ash stop flooding our blog!!!! **throws a hammer** this is where ur supposed to put stuff that happened to ur day and crap like that hahaha... **so ya do u think we should just make this blog just us 3? that would be better!!!! woowoo!!! we can make fun of people! i changed the url too!!!!
mused dettie at 10:02 AM [+]
**throws a hammer at ash** bah! u failed the desktop test! i passed! i got 51% **glomps** we should make this just ours. u know us 3... mc u and me... cause yea... it'll be funner. we could make this out other journal!!! woo!!!!
mused dettie at 9:57 AM [+]

-- Wednesday, January 15 --
aaaaaah kirby armyyyyy
mused dettie at 5:36 PM [+]